Rabbi Eugene Fleischman Sotirescu

Tikkunah d'smikha

Donation in Honor of My Upcoming Smicha
Goal $1,800.00
100% towards our goal
$2,277.00 raised
Ozzie Fleischman Sotirescu
$ 180.00
Dorothy Korshak
$ 90.00
Congratulations Eugene! Blessings to you!
Zvika Zoref
$ 72.00
Mazal Tov
Joel Hecker
$ 72.00
Mazal tov to Eugene and his fellow ordinees. If they bring half the intellect, knowledge and quiet wisdom that Eugene does, Aleph is indeed blessed
$ 54.00
Jennifer Coburn
$ 54.00
Mazel tov on achieving this sacred milestone!
Lillian Sigal
$ 18.00
Mazal Tov!
Kevin & Kathleen
$ 72.00
Lo these many years since we first met! We are moved and inspired by your continuing faith journey. Mazel Tov!
Judy Kleppel
$ 36.00
What a great gift of intellect and heart to the wider community!
$ 36.00
Honoring Eugene on his rabbinic graduation
David Acker & Bob Prischak
$ 36.00
Mazel Tov, Eugene!
$ 54.00
Heidi George
$ 72.00
Mazel tov to a wonderful teacher, person, and future rabbi.
$ 36.00
Your destiny awaits you in your rabbinate. Through your hard work, perseverance, and menschlichkeit.
Simone Zelitch
$ 72.00
With admiration and gratitude for you teaching
Alan & Lisa
$ 36.00
Always curious, always inviting, and always opening up new views of Torah by drawing on tradition and consulting the heart. Mazal Tov!
Lior Feldman And Sharon Sigal
$ 36.00
Jonathan D Stoler
$ 72.00
Blessings to you Eugene as you enter the lineage of your rebbe, Reb Zalman. Kol HaKavod! May you be blessed with all good things!
Anca Seger
$ 50.00
John Y.D. Berliner
$ 36.00
Ackelsberg Family
$ 180.00
May this lineage continue to enlighten and bring new life to Judaism
Phyllis Jacobs
$ 36.00
Mazal to to an amazing teacher on becoming a Rabbi!
Sonia Voynow
$ 72.00
Kol hakavod! It is such a gift to have you in my life as a hevruta and teacher. You inspire me and others with your immense curiosity, your great generosity and your delight in teaching and learning. It is thrilling to celebrate this milestone with you.
Maria Frey
$ 25.00
Congratulations to Eugene! “ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams..” Eleanor Roosevelt

Dear friends, the seemingly endless journey will nevertheless come to a conclusion soon and I will be ordained as a rabbi, b"h, on January 9, 2022.

I am asking you to contribute what you can to the organization that made this journey possible for me. Your generosity will make it possible for others in the coming years.

Thank you.
