Kolby Morris-Dahary's Rabbinic Ordination Fund
Shalom loved ones! This page is designed to raise funds to support the ALEPH Ordination Program in honor of my ordination as a Rabbi.
Thank you for joining me in supporting the education of future Rabbis, Hazzanim (cantors), and Rabbinic Pastors (chaplains) with a donation to ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal.
My studies through ALEPH have enabled me to fulfill a lifelong dream and I want to share that opportunity with others.
Our seminary has been teaching through Zoom before everyone discovered this amazing software and it gives students around the world a unique path to seek ordination. I have learned side by virtual side with students in Europe, Africa, Australia, South America, and North America. Graduates of our post-denominational seminary serve congregations across the Jewish spectrum as well as outside the synagogue environment.
I am grateful and proud of what ALEPH brings to the world and appreciate this chance to give a little back to the institution that has nurtured me for so many years.
Thank you for celebrating my ordination with a gift to ALEPH! May we all be blessed with opportunities to learn and grow in the coming year, Kolby