Cantor Sarah Freudenberger

Celebrate Sarah’s Cantorial Ordination

Support ALEPH Ordination Program and the learning Sarah has been blessed to be a part of these past five years
Goal $1,000.00
55% towards our goal
$550.00 raised
Hazzan Stephanie Weishaar
$ 72.00
Carol Fleischman
$ 18.00
Wendy Freeman & Steve Batz
$ 100.00
Congratulations Sarah!
Darlene & Richard Pachter
$ 180.00
Mazel Tov from your proud parents!
Dear friends, family, and colleagues,
You have all supported me immensely through my journey to becoming a Cantor. I can't thank you enough for your words of encouragement, your belief in me, and showing me that no is not a final answer. 

The ALEPH Ordination Program welcomed me when others did not. Despite having a wonderfully supportive family, especially my husband, because he is not Jewish, the doors to other major seminaries were closed to me.
Within the ALEPH community I found so much more than I ever imagined. It rejuvenated my spiritual life and connected me to a Jewish experience that is so enriching and accessible for all people. The friends and colleagues I have gained through my classes, programs, and conferences have been a support system that has seen me through exciting professional accomplishments. 
I would like to pledge to continue to make the ALEPH Ordination Program a reality for students for generations to come. Please join me in providing additional support for future students like me, who seek to welcome all Jewish families into every door.