A phenomenal two-hour journey to deepen your preparations for Passover. 

Originally recorded 4/5/1981 at the Kaiserman Branck Jewish Y in Philadelphia, PA; edited and remastered in 2015. Flyer courtesy of Simcha Raphael. 

Enjoy three sample tracks below. Make a donation (of any amount) and you'll receive a link to download the entire talk.

A zissen pesach!

Track Listing

  1. Belonging to the Mystery of the Paschal Lamb
  2. Is everybody comfortable?
  3. What do you really want to aim for this seder?
  4. Yod-Hei-Vav-Hei: The backdrop of the Seder
  5. Passover is nothing that you can earn
  6. Fifteen Functions and Ten Sefirot Seder
  7. Table as Mandala
  8. A Bitter Herbs Niggun
  9. What Egypt is weighing heavily on me that I must leave?
  10. What in the Feeling World (chametz) is it important for you to get rid of this Peasch?
  11. A ritual in tension with real issues
  12. Adonai Eloheichem Emet Chant
  13. Kadeish Urchatz
  14. What are your four questions about Judaism?
  15. The Story (Maggid)
  16. What is it that I contributed to my enslavement?
  17. V'hi She'amdah
  18. Are there any plagues that America is experiencing?
  19. Pesach: Divine Providence and your own life
  20. Matzah: Getting in touch with the process
  21. Matzah: Strengthening Faith
  22. Maror: Spark from the Rock
  23. Rabban Gamliel and the Baal Shem Tov
  24. Three Matzahs - Chochmah, Bina, Da'at - and the Hillel Sandwich
  25. The Egg and Gevurah
  26. "From You I Receive, to You I Give..."
  27. God will use the questions and answers
  28. Interpersonal Thanksgiving
  29. Satori and Elijah the Prophet
  30. Nirtzah and a Vigil
  31. Quick overview
  32. Connect with somebody who is a channel
  33. The Chernobyler in prison
  34. The fifth cup
  35. Why do you think Moses isn't mentioned in the Haggadah?
  36. Understanding Priesthood
  37. The Middle Matzah
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