SOULIFT: Love at the Center
January 20 – 26, 2025
Tampa, Florida
Just Imagine
A week-long dive into our Sacred story of Love!
An exploration of The Holy of Holies!
Through chant, study, meditation and sacred conversation
Putting Love at the Center
It is time to put Love at the Center.
One way to do that is to reclaim The Song of Songs as a central text that can inform, remind and intrigue us daily. When it came time to decide which of our holy texts to retain in our canon and which to discard, Rabbi Akiva spoke for The Song of Songs (Shir HaShirim). “The whole Torah is Holy,” says Rabbi Akiva,” but The Song of Songs is the Holy of Holies.” He also said that “had the Torah not been given, we could live our lives by The Song of Songs.”
It is time for us to “live” it, to place Love at the center of our religious/spiritual practice and let the force of that love radiate out to penetrate every other aspect of our lives. Shir HaShirim is a hidden treasure that longs to be known. The Love of Shir HaShirim goes beyond the sentimental or romantic. This love is a force that connects the finite with the infinite, the known with the unknown mystery that lures us beyond our small lives. This love reveals the beauty that is everywhere hidden in Nature, in relationships and in the depths of our hearts.
Cornel West said, “Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.”
Finding and Cultivating Love
First we must find and cultivate that love, and then we can source every action, every expression from that infinite precious well. And through our loving expression and action, the Divine will flow through us, and the world will transform..
It’s time to put love at the center.
Immersing in The Song of Songs
We’ll spend a week immersing in The Song of Songs, exploring its subtleties, receiving her mysterious gifts, embodying her music, living her questions.
About the Retreat
We’ll gather together on the beautiful property of the Franciscan Center in Tampa, Florida. A sacred space for spiritual connection, the Franciscan Center is the perfect location for our gathering. Both single and double rooms are available; but our capacity is limited, so be sure to register early!
If you need a handicapped accessible room, please be sure to let us know via email following your registration.
We’ll receive three nourishing meals a day, prepared fresh daily by the wonderful staff at the Franciscan Center.
Please be sure to inform us of any dietary restrictions during your registration.
We’ll plan to arrive between 3 and 5 pm on Monday, January 20, and our first meal together will begin with dinner. We’ll conclude our beautiful week on with departure at 11 am (following breakfast, check out, and a closing program) on Sunday, January 26.
Have more questions? Not a problem! Feel free to reach out to Events and Retreats Manager, Stephanie, at with any other questions.
About this Program
These times of tumult and change hold great potential for inner growth and connection to our Soul Perspective. SOULIFT offers week-long retreats, immersions in spiritual practice that help us to remain anchored to an awareness of the Divine flow of blessing, no matter what is happening in the world
Each stand-alone intensive is an opportunity to immerse ourselves in practices that incorporate the magic of sound, silence, movement, stillness, sacred text, shamanic journey, creative arts and nature mysticism.

Program Instructor
Rabbi Shefa Gold
Rabbi Shefa Gold is a leader in ALEPH: the Alliance for Jewish Renewal and received her ordination both from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and from Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (z”l). She is the director of C-DEEP, The Center for Devotional, Energy and Ecstatic Practice in Jemez Springs, New Mexico. She teaches workshops and retreats on the theory and art of Chanting, Devotional Healing, Spiritual Community-Building and Meditation.
C-DEEP: The Center for Devotional, Energy and Ecstatic Practice launched a new project called SOULIFT, with individually themed regional retreats in the summer of 2018.
Feedback From Participants in Shefa Gold’s Trainings…
SOULIFT was an amazing retreat and unlike anything I have ever done before.
The retreat more than lived up to its name and was indeed soul lifting. Rabbi Shefa is a deep spiritualist and inspiring teacher. The opportunity to be led by her in chant and then sit in silence is unique and uplifting. I’d sign up for another one in a heartbeat!
– David Dreifus
SOULIFT truly lifted my soul; it was nourishing, intense, fun.
– Ruth E.
My soul was nourished, embraced and and supported and I was able to feel healed by being in a loving community striving for wholeness.
– David Balto
Dear Rabbi Shefa, Rachmiel, Yaffah and Judith,
I am writing to thank you for creating an absolutely wonderful week of chanting, art, movement and healing during your SOULIFT program in Santa Fe this August. I loved every minute of your outstanding program from the outdoor morning services chanting Shacharit until the evening personal blessing ceremonies, conducted as the sun set under beautiful New Mexican skies. Each moment of music was marvelous, with the beautiful melodies by Shefa and the lovely voices singing in harmony. And the whole experience was greatly enhanced by the fascinating neurological and psychological insights presented by Shefa daily. This work is transformative, and was very important for me in a time of personal challenge! I learned so much from the exquisite and joyful chanting to the deeply spiritual insights. Dear Rabbi Shefa, you are a true Jewish shaman and spiritual leader and your approach is extremely powerful!
Other delightful aspects of your program include the inspirational mandala making instructed by Judith, learning the ten minute tune up from Rachmiel, and the excellent organizational kills of Yaffah that brought everything together so smoothly! I should also mention the absolutely outstanding food and the lovely rooms of the retreat center, both of which made it hard to leave on Sunday! Last but not least, you had gathered a warm and interesting group of participants, and created a fine community out of all of us. Truly, this is one of the best experiences of my life.
Thank you one and all!
With love and gratitude to all of you,
Linda Fries
PS. I love listening to the four exquisite CD’s that I purchased and reading the profound insights in Shefa Gold’s “Torah Journeys”.
To anyone considering embarking on this journey: do not hesitate!
– Danya Underwood
The perspective Rabbi Shefa offers elicits a powerful way to be in deep relationship to G!d and one’s own truth, Jewishly.
– Donna Chava Friedman
Never could I have imagined the healing, presence, peace and transformation that would come from my 18 months in Kol Zimra 3.
The chanting allowed so many places in my heart to open.
– Shira Orit
I cannot say enough good things about Rabbi Shefa Gold’s Kol Zimra program.
– Rabbi Alan Green
… the KZ experience has changed my life.
– Eva Friedner
Our training helped me to focus on something that was really important to me even with what “little” I had already been doing.
– Linda Zahavi
… Shefa Gold’s 18-month Kol Zimra Chant Leader Training… has been one of the most valuable and transformative trainings in my rabbinic career
– Malkah Binah
Shefa teaches chant and leadership, giving us a balanced and original model, and practical elements to form loving containers for groups of our own.
I highly recommend this training for anyone who wants to learn about their own leadership style, and about attaining a profound spiritual connection through sacred chant.
My experience with the Kol Zimra training program was much more than I could have even hoped for. The caliber of leadership, the strength of group connections and the depth of learning all contributed to an incredible 18 month journey, a journey which was more joyful and profound than words can express, a journey which continues still. This program changed my relationship to leadership, my relationship to my home community and my relationship with The Great Mystery itself.
– Jessica Kreimerman-Lew
Kol Zimra [was] my first experience with Jewish renewal.
– Carolyn Silver-Alford