Join the ALEPH Alliance

The ALEPH Alliance is a network of organizations, Jewish leaders, shuls and more at the vibrant cutting-edge of Judaism. We value heart-and-soul-centered experience, and we integrate and evolve spiritual technologies to serve the needs of today and tomorrow.

For a (searchable) listing of all ALEPH Alliance ​members, go to our ALEPH Alliance Community Directory page.

Who Should Join?

Who belongs in the ALEPH Alliance? Anyone interested in partnering in the holy work of renewing Judaism, including but not limited to:

  • Innovative, creative communities seeking to live Judaism authentically;
  • Communities led by an ALEPH musmach or OHALAH member;
  • Communities and individuals who/which resonate with the teachings of Reb Zalman z”l;
  • Organizations and individuals doing the work of renewing Judaism;
  • Independent communities and minyanim;
  • People and organizations who are naturally doing creative, cutting-edge Jewish work which brings Torah to those who thirst;
  • …and more!

**If you do not fit into any of the above categories, we thank you for your interest in membership and supporting ALEPH. Please join as a Smicha Chai Member**

Innovation and Meaning: A Seal of Approval

The ALEPH Alliance ​is not a denomination. It’s a sign that the person or institution to which it is attached is doing innovative, heart-centered, spiritual, meaningful work. It can be congruent with denominationally-affiliated congregational life, and also with organizations, institutions, and individuals who are independent or post-denominational. And unlike a denomination which functions on a top-down basis, the Alliance paradigm focuses on connecting people, institutions, and communities on a peer-to-peer basis where the energy and “juice” comes from the collective, not from ALEPH Central.


Lev Nadiv / Your Sustaining Gifts

Among ALEPH’s offerings are: a deep pool of liturgical creativity, the promulgation of chant and contemplative practice as modalities of Jewish prayer, hashpa’ah (spiritual direction) as a tool for unpacking the holy potential of every moment, the ALEPH Ordination Programs (now ordaining more clergy than any other non-Orthodox seminary), Tikshoret Connections online adult education initiative, SouLIFT week-long retreats, retreat-based summer learning at the Kallah, and more.

We ask Alliance ​members (individuals and communities)  to give as they are able, in a manner which reflects what they think these gifts to the Jewish world are worth.

Those who join the ALEPH Alliance receive:

  • knowledge that you, like ALEPH founder Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi z”l, are helping to sustain the vision of Judaism renewed;
  • connection both with ALEPH as the umbrella organization and with all of the other nodes in the Alliance in a peer-to-peer way;
  • access to resources shared among and between the communities, congregations, individuals, etc, who are part of the Alliance;
  • access to a secure online discussion space on Facebook for Alliance participants;
  • the ALEPH Listserv offered exclusively to ALEPH Alliance members to share teachings, rituals and other offerings (Contact SooJi Min-Maranda at for more information);
  • the support of, and opportunity to participate in the ALEPH Alliance Communities Council
  • the ability to cross-promote events and happenings to other Alliance members as well as the entire ALEPH community;
  • a listing in our new Jewish Renewal Resource Directory;
  • the opportunity to be featured in Faces of Renewal;
  • the opportunity to see your work, your community, or your project featured in ALEPH’s weekly e-blasts and other social media presence (to be featured, please fill in this form:  Community  Spotlight)
  • ethics jurisdiction under the ALEPH ethics code;
  • the opportunity to sign up for a meeting with ALEPH’s Executive Director to talk strategy / find out how the Alliance can best help you;
  • permission (encouragement!) to use the ALEPH Alliance logo on promotional media
  • discounted or priority dates for visiting ALEPH scholars;
  • access to new liturgical and educational materials as they are created;
  • free or highly discounted hashpa’ah (spiritual direction) to individuals or the heads of organizations that make a substantial financial commitment;
  • access to the spiritual leadership of students in the ALEPH ordination programs;
  • consulting on spiritual development, fundraising, community planning;
  • continuing education – special webinars will be available for leaders of Alliance Communities, taught by members of the ALEPH Ordination Program Faculty, ALEPH Board Members and others.  If your community leaders have a topic that excites them, please let us know;
  • discounted rates for Tikshoret classes, ALEPH’s online education program;
  • discount for Organic Torah and their unique webinars.  Please go to Organic Torah for more information
  • and hevreschaft (collegiality) with everyone else in the Alliance.

Join us in cultivating a willingness to experiment and to explore. Together we’ll go deeper into the spiritual journey of awakening to God’s unfolding as we co-create the Judaism of tomorrow.