“Brilliant beyond brilliant! For evolutionary Kabbalistic and Hasidic insights and practices, along with their utterly informed and inspired placement among the world’s great wisdom traditions, Rabbi Dr. Moshe Aharon (Miles) Krassen has been a tremendously visionary and creative source for me over the past several decades. What a deep, precious, heart-felt, and life-enhancing blessing!”

~ Hazzan Richard Kaplan

Planetary Judaism Legacy Project
Rabbi Miles Krassen is a visionary, philosopher and practitioner of Hasidism and Kabbalah. He is the founder of Planetary Judaism. His teachings utilize the deep texts of the Jewish tradition and are interpreted within the context of Planetary Consciousness. We are in the midst of a cosmic spiritual shift from The Age of Judgment to the New Age of Rachamim and Rabbi Miles Krassen is at the forefront of this transformation.
Planetary Judaism is a Tzaddik in Training Path. Our aim is to bring out the essence of each neshama, so that they could serve the Divine in a way that is unique to them. These teachings enable us to do our part, along with others, in facilitating a paradigm shift for the benefit of the entire planet and all of its inhabitants.
The Planetary Judaism Legacy Project aims to make these treasured teachings accessible to spiritual seekers from all traditions.
The Planetary Judaism Legacy Project is a platform to make these teachings and practices available to everyone. The Planetary Judaism Legacy Project will be utilized by both individuals and institutions.
  • A legacy website with hundreds of hours of Planetary Judaism audio and video recordings
  • A series of published books on new ways to practice and experience Planetary Judaism
  • A series of published books on new midrash from the perspective of Planetary Judaism
About Planetary Judaism
Planetary Judaism is not the nostalgic Judaism of a tribal god, a chosen people, or a theologically abstract monotheism that separates human beings from the natural world. Planetary Judaism is a Judaism of and for the Whole Earth.
Our aims are to explore:
  • ways in which Jewish tradition can contribute to and support the emergence of planetary consciousness
  • how the wisdoms of the entire Earth can help Jewish tradition evolve into a form of Whole Earth, planetary consciousness for the Ecozoic Age.
About Rabbi Miles Krassen
Rabbi Miles Krassen, PhD., is a teacher, author, scholar of How to Be While There is Still Time and Vanishing Path in the fields of comparative mysticism and the World’s Wisdom Traditions, and musician. He completed his doctorate in Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and received rabbinic ordination from the P’nai Or Fellowship. Currently located in Albuquerque, NM, he serves as Rabbi of Planetary Judaism, an organization for disseminating progressive mystical Jewish teachings based on the spiritual insights of early Hasidism and Kabbalah, and serves as Rosh Yeshiva of the Torah of the Future Yeshiva. He devotes himself to mystical studies and practice, and the teaching and training of teachers and practitioners of a new paradigm for inner development and self-transformation within the Jewish tradition. In addition to his academic career, Reb Miles has been teaching inner Judaism for many years to private students and at summer retreats including Elat Chayyim, the Aleph Kallah, and Ruach Haaretz. His classes and workshops are based on a deep love for traditional sources, familiarity with many non-Jewish wisdom traditions, and respect for the latest findings of contemporary scholarship and science.
About the Torah of the Future Yeshiva
Foundational Hasidic teachings from the Ba'al Shem Tov, Maggid of Mezritch, Menachim Mendl of Premishlan and the Zlotchover Maggid. Weekly readings in Sefer Yosher Divrey Emet, one of the earliest published collections of Hasidic teachings and selections from Rebbe Nachman's works, read and interpreted within the context of Planetary Consciousness and the shift from The Age of Judgment to the New Age of Rachamim.
Two classes per week on Sundays and Thursday ~ weekly readings in Sefer Yosher Divrey Emet and Rebbe Nachman.
To learn more or register, please visit our Patreon page.



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Gifting Required Minimum Distribution | Qualified Charitable Distribution

You must take your first Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year in which you turn age 72 by December 31 of that year. Although RMDs don’t start until 72, you can still make a qualified charitable distribution (QDC) if you are 70.5 years or older. You may donate up to $100,000 of your QCD tax-free directly to one or more nonprofits. The QCD counts towards your annual RMD. 

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