Rabbinic Pastor Leigh Copeland

I lived in Jackson Hole Wyoming and it became my Heart Home. I met people who became my family of choice because may family of origin was at a distance. This is where I communed with nature, developed relationships of the heart and found peace of spirit. In Jackson Hole there was a very limited Jewish community. For the High Holidays I would commune with HaShem in the Tetons.

In 2001 I moved to Denver, Colorado from my beloved Jackson Hole for a position at the University of Colorado Health Science Center. Upon my arrival in Denver, a friend who knew Rabbi Tirzah Firestone took me to Nevi Kodesh in Boulder and introduced me to a Jewish Community that became my Spiritual Home in Colorado.

The congregation welcomed people of all backgrounds and lifestyles and made it easy to belong.  Reb Zalman would also take part in some of the leadership on Shabbat and on the High Holidays. This is were I met Reb. Zalman who inspired me. By his modeling I realized how One Being can make a change in the world by bringing in Spirit, Kindness and Awareness.

Through my meeting and growing relationship with Reb Tirzah and Nevi Kodesh, I had the opportunity to have an adult Bat Mitzvah. Shortly after that accomplishment while meeting with Reb Tirzah, she said “you know I would like you to talk with a good friend of mine!” At that moment she got up and called Rabbi Shulamit Fagen, Rabbinic Pastor. This was my first exposure to the ALEPH community.

In 2013 I attended the Smicha week. Met the leadership of ALEPH and interviewed to become part of the Rabbinic Pastor Cohort. The Journey has been a long one. Life’s unexpected ups and downs gave me a break from studying, later to return, to finish and receive Smicha.

While attending ALEPH I have been honored to study with amazing Rabbi’s each imparting their knowledge to me. I thank all those who have been walking this path with me, those that came before me, and guiding me on my path to become a Rabbinic Pastor.

Most important I would like to thank my family, friends and colleagues. All of you have helped to fill my tool box of knowledge. Next is the integration of all the skill and tools so that I too can bring Spirit, Kindness and Awareness into the world.