Beyt Tikkun Synagogue-Without-Walls
United States
Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue Without Walls is a spiritual home for politically progressive people, both Jewish and non-Jewish, both local to the Bay Area and throughout the world, incorporating Jewish spiritual wisdom, practices, and rituals. A central theme of Judaism is to heal and repair ourselves and the world. We uplift those parts of our tradition that embody the revolutionary consciousness characterized by love of the stranger, a movement toward freedom and justice, and a critique of imperial power and thinking. The audacity of the Hebrew prophets guides our spiritual and religious practices and mandates us to challenge oppression in all its manifestations.
This is the core of what our founder Rabbi Michael Lerner envisioned when he started Beyt Tikkun in 1996. Rabbi Lerner was mentored by Abraham Joshua Heschel and received rabbinic ordination from Zalman Schachter-Shalomi.
Rabbi Lerner’s prophetic vision infuses our liturgy, our rituals, our inclusive, egalitarian, and loving community, our advocacy, and our social action.
Rabbi Cat Zavis is an accomplished lawyer, spiritual social justice activist, and visionary leader with over 20 years experience in empathic and people-centered leadership and collaboration. She has served as co-editor of Tikkun magazine and executive director of the Network of Spiritual Progressives, where she has trained over 1000 people in Prophetic Empathy and Revolutionary Love.
We believe in a Judaism of love and transformation: We heal ourselves and our world through joyful and meaningful spiritual practice, loving relationships, social activism, and revolutionary consciousness.
Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue without Walls
Beyt: A House – A welcoming, joyful space for spiritual seekers
Tikkun: Healing, repair, and transformation of ourselves and our world
A Synagogue: A Jewish Renewal community of prayer, ritual, custom, and study. We integrate spiritual and prophetic consciousness with spiritual activism to create a more loving and just world.
Without Walls: You don’t have to be Jewish, religiously observant, or in the Bay Area to pray with us, learn with us, or be a member of our community.
This is the core of what our founder Rabbi Michael Lerner envisioned when he started Beyt Tikkun in 1996. Rabbi Lerner was mentored by Abraham Joshua Heschel and received rabbinic ordination from Zalman Schachter-Shalomi.
Rabbi Lerner’s prophetic vision infuses our liturgy, our rituals, our inclusive, egalitarian, and loving community, our advocacy, and our social action.
Rabbi Cat Zavis is an accomplished lawyer, spiritual social justice activist, and visionary leader with over 20 years experience in empathic and people-centered leadership and collaboration. She has served as co-editor of Tikkun magazine and executive director of the Network of Spiritual Progressives, where she has trained over 1000 people in Prophetic Empathy and Revolutionary Love.
We believe in a Judaism of love and transformation: We heal ourselves and our world through joyful and meaningful spiritual practice, loving relationships, social activism, and revolutionary consciousness.
Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue without Walls
Beyt: A House – A welcoming, joyful space for spiritual seekers
Tikkun: Healing, repair, and transformation of ourselves and our world
A Synagogue: A Jewish Renewal community of prayer, ritual, custom, and study. We integrate spiritual and prophetic consciousness with spiritual activism to create a more loving and just world.
Without Walls: You don’t have to be Jewish, religiously observant, or in the Bay Area to pray with us, learn with us, or be a member of our community.
Community, Aleph Network Provider, Tikkun Olam/Social Justice, Jewish Renewal Services, Shabbat Services - Saturday Morning, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Adult Classes, Marriage and Commitment Ceremonies, Marital Counseling